Showing 20 Result(s)
Writing expository text

Unlock Students’ Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills with the Dinner Party Research Project

For many middle schoolers, researching topics can seem like an intimidating task—but it doesn’t have to be! With a few simple steps such as utilizing technology and finding topics that interest students, you can help give your students the confidence they need to succeed in any research project! With practice and guidance from teachers like you along the way, they’ll soon feel excited rather than overwhelmed when it comes time for their next assignment!

Celebrating Holidays in the classroom

Celebrating the Holiday Season in Schools: Why It Matters

As we learned (and educators already knew) from the pandemic, schools play a critical role in a student’s life. They are a place of learning, socializing, and even celebrating. Celebrating the holiday season in schools has so many advantages – it allows students to connect with one another, explore different cultural traditions, and build an inclusive environment.