hand writing on paper

Improve Writing With Revision

Journal writing is a great way to incorporate more writing into class, but is it enough to improve student writing skills?  I love journal writing for a variety of reasons but mostly because it gets students writing and writing often.  We all know the more students write, the better they can develop their skills but …

Cultural Poetry

Teaching poetry as a separate unit can be a great way to introduce students to different voices and cultures, but it also encourages creative thinking and inference skills which can be applied to a whole wealth of ELA stadards.

Collaborative Poetry

I LOVE POETRY! Lesa from @Smithteaches9to12 I discovered this is not a common sentiment among teachers from chatting with many in real life and online. But hear me out, my love of poetry comes from language play. In my experience, getting students to familiarize themselves with taking (small) risks with their own poetry writing now, …

5 Ways to Enhance Your Digital Writing Instruction

Writing instruction can be difficult under the best of circumstances. Among the challenges 2020 has ushered in has been teaching writing in a variety of formats. Whether you are teaching face-to-face, hybrid, or fully virtual, writing instruction has needed a serious upgrade to keep up with the obstacles this year has presented. Below are five …