Showing 66 Result(s)

Simple Strategies for Teaching Elaboration

“Needs more elaboration. Add details.” How many times have you written those words when grading student papers? Teaching students how to elaborate on their thoughts and in writing can be a challenge, but there are a few simple strategies I’ve used that can make your job easier. Elaboration in writing means to choose and add …

Celebrating Holidays in the classroom

Celebrating the Holiday Season in Schools: Why It Matters

As we learned (and educators already knew) from the pandemic, schools play a critical role in a student’s life. They are a place of learning, socializing, and even celebrating. Celebrating the holiday season in schools has so many advantages – it allows students to connect with one another, explore different cultural traditions, and build an inclusive environment.

Simple Gratitude Writing Activities for Middle and High School Students 

If you’re looking for an engaging way to get your students writing daily while supporting your students’ Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), give daily gratitude writing a try.  What is Gratitude Writing? Gratitude writing is simply the practice of spending time each day physically writing down the things we’re grateful for.  Some people use bullet lists, others …